Wednesday, November 3, 2010

October 2010

Abby is now 3 months old and we had a very busy October with her including a pumpkin patch outing, her baptism, and her 1st halloween! She has become very alert and developed a social smile over the past month, which absolutely will melt your heart when you see it! She is doing just great with her developement too. At her last doctors appt, she weighed 12 lbs 9 oz and was 23 inches long -- making her 75th percentile in both weight AND length!! Based on these numbers, we're thinking she will probably have the Walton frame!! She is still changing daily, but continues to look like a mini - Perry! It is too cute how much she looks just like her daddy! Perry and I are having such a blast with her and just adore watching her new discoveries daily, which have included the tv, tucker, and the color red most recently! Watch the video in my previous blog for more pictures!

Abigail Grace - July 28, 2010

Abigail made her big arrival on July 28, 2010 at 4:05pm. She weighed 7lb 15oz and measured 21 inches in length! She has been an absolute joy and blessing to our household! Here are some of her newborn pictures...she was 5 days old in these pictures. What a doll!